Controlling inflammatory cytokines, such as Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Superoxide, Reactive Oxygen Species, Prostaglandin imbalances, stress hormone elevation, prolactin production, and DHT are key to halting and reversing hair loss.

What triggers these inflammatory events in the body?

Weight gain, Excessive physical or mental stress, Environmental Pollution, Poor diet and eating disorders, lack of vitamins and minerals, and a build up of toxins in the body.

Do genetics play a role?

Yes, but your genes just determine a supsceptivity towards thinning and hair loss. The Human Genome Project which gave birth to the field of epigenetics demonstrates that while the DNA in our make-up does remain fixed the epigenome continually responds to our diet and living conditions, enabling an entire alteration in genetic expression.

In other words, your DNA is not your destiny. Just because hair loss runs in your family does not mean you’ll go bald. There are many ways for halting the process naturally for ALL types of hair loss. Unfortunately, the vast majority of dermatologists still share the outdated belief that diet and compromised body systems are unrelated to the etiology of hair loss and products being pushed (like Rogaine) take full advantage of the public's lack of knowledge on the subject. Following a strict diet while utilizing a few key natural supplements proven through science will be critical for those with hair loss genes. Here are our Top 7 Tips you can start utilizing to that addresses your issues both internally and externally.