Mistakenly thought to be a male only thing, more than forty percent of American women will suffer from some type of hair loss during their lives. While losing one’s, hair can be traumatizing for any gender it can especially be stressful for women as it is far more acceptable in our society for men to go through the balding process.

Many women hair loss sufferers will question whether they have female pattern hair loss or Telogen Effluvium. Thus, it’s important to take a closer look at your hair loss, in order to help you confirm your hair loss diagnosis.

In this post, we will discuss the different reasons behind Telogen Effluvium and Female Pattern Hair Loss, as well as cover the basics of alopecia itself. After all, having a better understanding of the hair loss condition will allow for you to know how to deal with it and combat its effects on your hair growth. The good news is both kinds can be completely reversed.


Telogen Effluvium (Stress related hair loss) Unlike Female pattern Baldness Telogen Effluvium is a temporary condition (assuming you get to the root cause of the original trigger.) And although it is often mistaken for female pattern baldness or any one of the myriad of other hair loss related conditions, Telogen Effluvium (also known as TE) is a type of stress related hair loss that has a variety of known causes. The two primary triggers of Telogen Effluvium are stress or a traumatic event of some sort. First, it’s important to understand the biology behind this cause. Essentially, the traumatic event that you have suffered triggered your hair follicles to switch from ANAGEN phase into the TELOGEN phase. In essence, your body is under colossal stress and, therefore, put has been placed in a situation where it has to divert its energy to other parts of your body to compensate. Thus, your hair follicles are resting rather than growing, as they should be. Just like female pattern hair loss it is 100% reversible and the hair regrowth process can be accelerated. For more information on that you can go to Nature Crazy’s Top 5 Tips For Reversing Telogen Effluvium.


Androgenic Alopecia (female pattern baldness). Though this particular form of alopecia is often dubbed as “male pattern baldness”, there are variations of it that can occur in both women and men. In women, it presents itself, generally, as an overall thinning of the hair, sometimes with signs of recession. The cause for androgenic alopecia is primarily genetics and aging, and has everything to do with hormones. Hormones play a vital role in the health of your hair follicles and can affect the quality of the hair that your scalp produces. Typically, women have higher levels of estrogen than a man, which safeguards against genetic hair loss. However, women with metabolic issues as seen in those with female hair loss (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) tend to have an excess of specific hormones such as testosterone. These unchecked hormones can wreak havoc on the hair and explain why those susceptible to androgens will see increased hair loss. Fortunately, just like telogen effluvium this type of hair loss can also be reversed. For more information on that you can go to Nature Crazy’s Top 8 Tips for Reversing Female Pattern Hair Loss.

As you can see, the symptoms and/or causes of telogen effluvium hair loss differ from those with female pattern hair loss. Therefore, if you have suffered a great trauma or have been under an overwhelming amount of stress, then a Telogen Effluvium diagnosis is most likely spot- on. However, if you are still not sure whether you are suffering from Telogen Effluvium or not you can go to Diagnosing Telogen Effluvium to read more.

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